Please note that most offerings suggest an initial, no cost, consultation call of approximately 15 minutes. This provides information, a chance for you to ask questions and help in deciding what might work best for you.

Small Group:

Gem Circle

Small group breathwork sessions occur approximately twice per month on Zoom, Mondays 1:00-2:30 pm, ET.

Here you are guided through a breathwork journey (approximately 45-55 minutes long) that can be very powerful emotionally, spiritually and creatively. There is time before we start for settling in, discussing intentions, etc. There is time after for some sharing, and for integrating our experiences. Register for a single session, or make this a regular part of your self-care and personal growth routine with a Gem Circle package.

Your first session is complimentary, as my way of welcoming you. Upon joining, too, you will also receive 20% off any Sapphire Breathwork offerings in 2023.

2024 Gem Circle Small Group Breathwork Session Prices

First session: complimentary – $0
Single small group breathwork session: $30
Two-session small group breathwork package: $50
Six- session small group breathwork package: $120
Twelve- session small group breathwork package: $225

NEXT SESSION DATES: Mondays, 1:00-2:30 ET on Zoom: 2/26/24 and 3/11/24

Please call or email if you need additional information.

One-on-One Breathwork:

Beginning with Breathwork

Newcomers to breathwork –
whether “brand-new” or “pretty-new”:

This two-part breathwork class will combine teaching about the breath and how best to use breathwork within guided sessions. The first will focus on relaxing breathwork routines. The second will guide you through a conscious connected breathwork experience. This type of breathwork offers a deep experience that can help release tensions stored in the body as a result of trauma. It can heighten creative ideas and new insights. Many find the experience truly transcendent, a significant part of their healing and growth.

TBA – Email for Information

On Zoom

$30 per person/$50 for you and a friend

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One-on-One Breathwork / Coaching:

Single Session

A single session of guided breathwork focused on your goals and intentions.

One-on-One Breathwork / Coaching:

Coaching Container

2-6 month individualized plans alternating biweekly breathwork journeys with biweekly coaching appointments.

Special Interest Groups:

Heal Your Relationship to Food and Eating

6 weeks, alternating breathwork sessions with discussion, journaling, meditation, and more.

Session Price: $250 for 6 sessions

Next Session Dates: On Zoom, TBA – Email for Information

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Special Interest Groups:

Health and Helping Professionals

4 biweekly breathwork sessions.

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Dr. Katz

Eat Sanely