About Terese Weinstein Katz, MFT, PhD

Certified Breathwork Facilitator

Terese Weinstein-Katz-PhD-MFT
I came to breathwork in the course of my long and still active career as a psychologist. I rediscovered this practice during an intense period of multiple life changes and losses—and was reminded of just how powerfully it can help us move to the heart of things—to what we’re feeling and needing, sometimes even beyond what we’re aware of feeling and needing. I know that we all can benefit from many kinds of support—therapy, friends, exercise, bodywork—at different times, or all at once. I find that breathwork offers a remarkable pathway for releasing long-held tensions, born of trauma or anxiety, from the body. At the same time, it can open us to creative ideas and insights that bypass our preoccupied or self-critical minds. I like the term used by Dr. Richard Shaub: “Psychedelic Experiences Without Drugs”, the category where I’d place breathwork.

As a facilitator, I guide individuals or small groups through their experience, providing safety and the “set and setting” for the experience to be most useful. I believe that most of us want not only the release or insight, but perspective shift that we can bring into our lives. I don’t occupy the role of therapist in these sessions, but rather guide or coach, fully trauma-informed and able to help you integrate what arises.

My Education

Ph.D. – University of Massachusetts/Amherst
Psychologist – Licensed in New York and Massachusetts

M.F.T. – Southern Connecticut State University

Certified Breathwork Facilitator

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