Currently, Sapphire Breathwork offers the services listed below. In all cases, call 413-552-9729, or email to receive more information or to schedule a no-charge initial consultation call.


Breathwork Session

In an individual breathwork session, you will be guided and supported through a conscious connected breathwork experience, one unique to you. You may experience significant anxiety reduction or easing of tension and bodily-held traumas. You may experience profound insight or creative ideas. Journeys vary—where you are in your life, what issues block you, what you most need to know or attend to—these all affect what unfolds. We take time to reflect and prepare just before, and then to review and integrate after. Sessions last from 60-90 minutes.

Small Group:

Breathwork Sessions

These conscious connected breathwork sessions offer guidance within a small group setting. Each person will have their own unique journey and experience, with time allotted for individual intention-setting before and reflection afterward. This is an effective and affordable way to practice guided breathwork regularly. These sessions last 90 minutes.

Breathwork with Coaching Series

Conscious connected breathwork done over a period of time can address deep and multi-layered problems, often quite rapidly. An excellent format for this is a planned series of sessions, spaced over weeks or months, with coaching sessions to monitor and augment progress in between.

Breathwork and Specialized, Psychologically-Informed Coaching

Heal Your Relationship With Food

Here, breathwork with coaching (see above) focuses specifically on issues with dysregulated eating, chronic dieting and body dissatisfaction. An assessment is essential to determine if this option could be helpful or transformative for you. People actively engaged in highly restrictive or bulimic eating behaviors should not look to this as a replacement for therapy. On the other hand, many have relationships to food, body, and eating that cause significant distress even where they don’t meet full clinical eating disorder criteria. Many, too, have improved with therapy or other practices in the past, but still feel unresolved, or not fully at peace in this realm.

Medical/Helping Professionals Breathwork Focus

In an individual or small group setting, breathwork can help those of us who witness or carry the traumas and pain of others, often without adequate support. Conscious connected breathwork can help us understand, relate intimately with, and resolve our own pains and traumas, vicarious and otherwise. This allows us to live our lives, and to continue serving others, with more depth, peace and satisfaction.
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Dr. Katz

Eat Sanely