Research on Breathwork

by | Aug 30, 2024 | Articles

Clinical research on psychedelic therapies has mounted in recent years, with media spotlighting and high hopes for the use of these therapies to help with all kinds of human struggles.  While this unfolds, non-drug means of accessing higher consciousness have remained mostly unstudied.  One exception has been with mindfulness meditation–where the benefits and mechanisms have been widely studied and reported on.

I’ve been happy to see research finally focusing on breathwork and its benefits and mechanisms.  The two articles, below, look at the practice of conscious connected (or “holotropic”) breathwork in particular.  You’ll find comparisons in the first article with psychedelic drug-mediated results as well as effects on  anxiety, depression, and more.    The second article reviews what’s been studied so far about this practice and its effectiveness.

“Effects of Conscious Connected Breathwork on cortical activity, mood and state of consciousness in healthy adults”

“Holotropic Breathwork:  A Review” 

As always, I’m happy to talk about and answer questions about conscious connected breathwork and encourage your comments and contact.